Book sale news (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Q: What does my newest story, The Leading Edge of Now, and The Hunger Games have in common?
A: Nothing, really. Like, seriously nothing. Unless of course you count the "powerhouse editor," Kate Egan.
I'm so psyched to announce that my next book has sold to Kids Can Press, with, yes--YES--Kate Egan editing!
Here's the official announcement from Publishers Weekly:

I'm so excited/honored/thrilled/blown away/grateful to be part of the brand-spanking-new KCP Loft, an emerging YA imprint of the award-winning Kids Can Press (of Franklin the Turtle fame), part of the Corus Entertainment family, and the focus of a whole lot of buzz lately on the publishing front.
Thank you all for your support, and buckets of gratitude to my agent, Kathleen Rushall, for all her hard work behind the scenes, her patience while I wrote The Leading Edge of Now (it took me a seriously long time), and her Everest-high tolerance of my various writer neuroses (*ahem*).
More deets on The Leading Edge of Now coming soon, so stand by!